Thursday, May 14, 2015

Super maths!

Harry was really proud of his amazing bat diagram. It's fabulous! 

Super writing!

Rosie and Isla were very proud of their writing about Plop the barn owl. They both worked incredibly hard!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Reception Admissions

One of the biggest challenges to face the school and community in the last month has been the issue of intake into our Reception class this September, with several local families being denied a place at the school due to oversubscription. Understandably, this situation was very upsetting for all those affected. Intervention from Elizabeth Truss MP and District Councillor Ellen Jolly, helped enable a rapid response from Admissions at Norfolk County Council, and the school and Governing Body were able to work closely with Richard Snowden, Head of Admissions to bring a positive resolution. Though the school felt strongly that, as a community school, these children should be offered places, one of the Governing Body's main roles is to ensure that the school manages it's finances responsibly (over a period of several years), so this was tricky situation. The decision was made to create an extra reception class for this September and though this presents a few short term logistical challenges and some long term risks, we were really pleased with this outcome for the families involved and the community as a whole. Now we have established a good line of communication with County, we plan to keep a close eye on forecasts and future demands on the school. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Governors in school

Last week, six members of the governing body spent a full day in school. We visited all classes, some governors also went to assembly, others  met with the school council and all enjoyed a school lunch with the children. Governors were there to experience the school day and to see some of the changes to teaching and learning following our Ofsted visit in November. It was evident that staff have worked hard to implement new practice (and reinforce existing good practice) based on the school's 'Post Ofsted action plan'.  Governors found the day insightful and rewarding, and are grateful to the staff and children for being so welcoming. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Training and HMI visit

All governors recently attended 'Safeguarding' training at the school to ensure we are all up to date with guidance on keeping our children safe in school. Other governors have attended Finance training. 
The school recently had a visit from Heather Yaxley, one of HMI’s inspectors. She came to the school to monitor how the school are taking effective action to tackle areas for improvement, and to see the progress that has been made since the Ofsted inspection. Heather was very impressed with the amount of work that had been done, and the changes implemented in a short space of time. The Governing body are committed to supporting the school to make positive progress toward further improving the education for all children at the school.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Recent Ofsted visit

In November the school received a visit from Ofsted, our first since 2009. Disappointingly, the school received a judgement of 'requires improvement'. The full report can be viewed on the school website or the Ofsted website. Though Governors, (staff and some parents) are disappointed with the way the final report reads and do not feel it reflects our school, we also recognise that there are areas where the school can improve. The governing body will be working closely with the school's Senior Management team and external professionals to ensure that plans already put in place to address these issues come to fruition. We are committed to supporting our excellent school to gain a judgement of securely 'good' in 2015.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Welcome to the first blog of the Governing Body. We hope to use this to communicate and update the school community on the work of the governing body.